Knox Box


Fire Department

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The Knox-Box® Rapid Entry System was specifically developed for all fire departments. With just one master key, you have access to commercial and residential property. More than 9,000 departments nationwide, including the East Montgomery County Fire Department, use Knox-Box® key boxes, vaults, Haz-Mat cabinets, key switches, locking FDC caps, and padlocks.
Many of these fire departments use Sentralok® or KeySecure®, master key security systems, to control the Knox Master Key. Property owners in your community store entrance keys, access cards and floor plans in high-security Knox-Box® key boxes mounted near their building entrances.
Each Knox-Box purchased by the property owner is keyed to a single master key controlled by your local fire department. With the Knox-Box System, there is no cost to the fire department, no waiting for a property owner to unlock the door in the middle of the night, and no forcing the door open to gain entry in the event of a home fire emergency. The Knox-Box Rapid Entry System reduces response time, property damage and the liability for lost keys.
Select a product series category from the menu on the left.
Enter “East Montgomery Co FD” in the Department Name search field and select “East Montgomery Co FD - New Caney, Texas” from the returned list.
Select product for purchase, enter installation address, and proceed with checkout.

Getting Started

Register for the system with the Knox Company
Appoint a Knox Program Coordinator in your department
Receive complimentary materials from the Knox Company
Educate local citizens on system value and benefits
Incorporate requirement into building permit/inspection program
Request a sample ordinance kit from the Knox Company
County / City Ordinance
Many fire departments using the Knox-Box System have been successful in passing a County / City ordinance to help implement a public safety program for rapid entry. Knox-Box provides guidelines and sample ordinances to help other interested departments win ordinance approval.  


Guidelines include:

Using Knox as a Resource
Would a Key Box Ordinance be Helpful?
How to Structure an Ordinance
Winning Ordinance Approval

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